Monday, August 20, 2012

Celebrating 20 Years!

 In 1992 Edith Giles and Jacqueline E.A. Lawson
founded the Black Genealogy Research Group of Seattle, Washington
and since then members have been assisting
one another sharing stories, information,research techniques, expertise and experiences
related to their individual journeys in search of
African-American family roots.


The goals of the Black Genealogy Research Group of Seattle, Washington are:
  • To assist members in their individual family research projects.
  • To share information and techniques relative to the task of conducting family research, in general and African-American family research, in particular.
  • To gather, maintain, interpret, and make accessible to all members, material, resources, and other information that may be useful as research aids
  • To share experiences and expertise in matters such as keeping records, preserving documents and photographs and computerizing family research findings


Black Genealogy Research Group of Seattle exists to help individuals address the unique challenges of conducting African-American Family History research.
Novice family historians are invited to attend to learn how and where to begin research; experienced family historians are invited to share ways and means, and to become updated on techniques and resources.
BGRG members participate in conferences and meetings of national as well as local historical organizations.
Individual members maintain membership in related organizations, and share information from other organizations.
Guest speakers and other special presentations based on various aspects of African-American history are welcomed. Meetings are held the first Saturday of every month, except December, at the Northwest African American Museum, 2300 South Massachusetts, Seattle, WA  98144. Meetings begin at 11:15

For more information,
Please address correspondence to:
BGRG of Seattle
P.O. Box 22848
Seattle, WA  98122-0848
or email:
to help one

Learn how
and where to begin research

Hear wonderful stories and shared experiences